The whole project is based on an idea of a swedish fellow, which in his page describes

the use of a TV tuner to construct a radio tuner which receives the frequencies

between 45 and 860 MHz in a step of 0.011 Hz controlled by a PC using a serial port.

I have used his idea to construct a control unit based on a PIC microcontroller to send the

control codes to the tuner, and a 2x16 LCD display, showing the frequency and mode received.

Below you will find the improved schematic of the receiver and the control unit.



superscanner schematic                                    superscanner control unit schematic

(pictures clickable)

How it all started (v.1)                        Version 2 unit                       The unit I'm working on

(pictures clickable)


The superscanner main board                                   Control unit version 5

The enclosure pre-painted and coloured

System assembled and wired for testing

Right now I am working on the code for the PIC microcontroller which will be published

when I will be satisfied by the results.