What is all about?


    Four types of accurate clocks based on three simple principles:

    The first based on Dallas Semiconductors DS3231 Extremely Accurate i2c real time clock chip,

    the second based on the reception of DCF77 time signal broadcasted from Mainflingen, Germany and

    the third based on GPS satellite reception signal upon NMEA serial decoding.

         i.    PIC16F628, DS3231 chip to six 7-segment 7mm led displays,                     not implemented yet!

        ii.    PIC16F873, DCF77 module to 12(8) digit Futaba fluorecent display,           schematic    hex code

       iii.    PIC16F84A, Oncore GPS receiving module to 2x8 LCD display and           schematic    hex code

       iv.    PIC16F84A, GPS NMEA decoding receiver to 8 digit fluorecent display.     schematic    hex code